
i-SMART® Ultimate

iSMART® Ultimate is invented by the top scientists – for its suitability to control the spread of infection within regions, counties, and boroughs of the United Kingdom. Using the latest blockchain technology – iSMART® features will ensure the control of the COVID-19 virus while the massive immunisation programmes are underway.

iSMART® Ultimate The approval of vaccine by BioNTech and Pfizer and eminent approval of the one developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca is a great relief. But is it the way out to win the war against COVID-19? The answer is, NO! WHO suggests the impact of COVID-19 vaccines on the pandemic will depend; on the success of controlling the infection locally, regionally, and nationally.

It is not viable method to immunise the population without controlling the spread of infection within our communities (CEO OctaGenix).

Though the vaccines will soon be available, but we cannot just start vaccinating the population, while on the other hand keeping the doors open for the spread of infection. The iSMART® ultimate is designed to complement the vaccination programmes. The system will ensure control of virus in busy public places, such as Hospitals, Supermarkets, Train Stations, Stadiums, Theatres, Clubs, Universities, Schools, Airports, Offices, and many more. iSMART® has built-in capability to instantly identify vaccinated individuals and those who are not. The collated data monitoring is at the local, regional and national levels, broken-down into cohorts of; age, risk factor, authenticity, and gender.

By controlling the infection regionally and nationally iSMART® system will play a vital role to the success of vaccination programmes.

Route back to normality – Winter Plan.
Controlling the virus, protecting the NHS and the most vulnerable, keeping education and the economy going and providing a route back to normality. The UK’s Government’s winter plan for COVID-19 has all the elements of route back to normality; Vaccines, treatment, and testing but missing a critical part, which will be vital to eradicate the virus completely. An extensive monitoring and control of the data of vaccinated and unvaccinated population and the infection at the regional and the national levels through social distancing, hand sanitisation, face covering, tier system enforcements. iSMART® is the only system to ensure the control of virus while mass vaccination programmes are carried out. iSMART® will provide regional and national data on vaccination, accurate planning to enforce the national tier systems, and adherence to the national and regional restrictions.